Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Blog.QS is now hosted here by myself …

Dear Friends and Guests,

here I am glad to announce that Blog.QS will be hosted here by myself from now on. The data are completely immigrated to the new server, which also hosts the Wiki.QS and Gallery.QS and you can access the new Blog.QS via:

http://blog.qingshen.de or

Wordpress.com does provide nice, riendly and stable services for the blogers and I owe thanks to their efforts. However, the flexibility of the service are somehow limited. For example, you can barely install a desired new plugin at the server, which is somehow resonable. But, I still strongly expect to integrate my gallery with it and finally I decide to host the blog by myself.

Since I am satisfied with the blog software used at wordpress.com, I will keep using the same code released at wordpress.org. The immigration of the data runs very smoothly and works like a charm. Thanks again to all the people working for wordpress.com and wordpress.org. The only pity is that the comments can not be exported from the web interfaces. It could be resolved by contacting the webmaster of wordpress.com, but I gave it up since I did not have many comments.
Although the immigration of the data are already done, I need to configure some new plugins and themes. It might be a little bit unstable in recent days and I sincerely beg your patience :D Again: the Blog.QS at http://qingshen.wordpress.de won't be updated anymore :P



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