Sunday, June 17, 2007

Keep using modified themes of windows after M$ KB925902.

Microsoft recently released a security update KB925902, which keep monitoring the size of the multimedia resources loaded in the memory. Many awesome themes for windows modified shell32.dll to include more eye candies. I am personally using FlyakiteOSX, whose modified shell32.dll file reaches 27MB, and that screwed M$'s security check. The result of this issue is that some software, such as Calculator, GVim, and WMM, could not work, since system will complain the use of memory address.

Fortunately, we can still cheat M$ to work around this issue by rebuild the user32.dll, which comes with the update KB925902. And there's a nice guy "Marzo Sette Torres Junior" wrote a detailed tutorial about how to rebuild the DLL. As a Memo, I reposted his article in below:

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