Thursday, October 21, 2010

Nikkor AF-S 18-200mm 1:3.5-5.6 G ED vs. AF 50 mm 1:1.8 D ( Amateur Test )

I am really tired of switching lenses. So I went out today and bought this Nikkor AF-S 18-200mm 1:3.5-5.6 G ED from a nice lady photographer. After a few test shots, I am very impressed by its performance. So I decided to compare its image quality against my nikkor AF 50mm f/1.8 D prime lens.

Although it's not very fair to compare a prime lens and a zoom lens, it's fun to see the results. Test images were shoot at different ISOs with the same fixed manual settings on my D200. Since I am an amateur, I forgot my prime lens wasn't DX format, and shot with 18-200mm also at 50mm. This made the image frame sizes not match exactly :( But it's good enough for an amateur.

Here are the results: 50mm definitely has much better bokeh ( isn't shown in the comparison image ), but the sharpness and details from 18-200 is as good as the prime lens. Of course in this comparison, I set the aperture of both lenses to 1:5, otherwise, the prime lens will have better image result. In general, I am very happy that I bought this lens.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Photos taken in Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic 2006

Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic

This was the first stop when we visit Czech Republic in 2006. We almost lost when we arrived, and we ended up asking for help to find where our hotel was. Later on we found German is sometimes more useful than English in this little spa city. My guess was there are a lot German Tourist, and its historical relationship with Germans since early 20th century.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Photos shot in Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic 2006

Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic
This is the first batch of re-post-processed photos I shot in Europe. Cesky Krumlov is a lovely town. We stayed there for a few days in 2006, and it's been so far the greatest travelling experience we had in Europe. My wife kept saying to me that we should re-visit it and stay a bit longer.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Enable mounting of remote CD/DVDs on any Mac

My old Mac Mini couldn't read certain DVD format, so I decided to try to remotely mount the CD from another computer. MacBook Air has the remote disc integrated, however for other Mac machine, there's a trick to turn it on.

I shared the DVD on my windows 7 computer, which has Apple "DVD or CD Sharing Update" installed.
Download Link

If your Mac has Leopard or above system installed, you should have "DVD or CD Sharing Update" integrated. Otherwise, install it on your mac as well.
Download Link

On both system, go to System Preferences, and enable 'DVD or CD Sharing.

Then, on the Mac that uses the remote disc, go to a Terminal window and enter:

$ defaults write EnableODiskBrowsing -bool true
$ defaults write ODSSupported -bool true

Reboot this machine, and when the reboot is finished, you'll see the remote CD/DVD under Devices in the Finder's sidebar. Thereafter, you can remotely mount a CD/DVD from another machine.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

A German built a fully functional Sukhoi Su-27 Jet.

You know we all sometimes fix things by our own hands. I also occasionally do some work to my car. But a German, Harald Huf, made his own Sukhoi Su-27 jet.

This isn't a still model, but a fully functioning RC jet. I can't call it crazy. Because being only crazy won't let you finish a project like this. I am not only amazed by his skills but also the support from his family.

Here is a link to the project website

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Glad to see my blog transfer to Blogger went smoothly

I used to host my blogs on my own website. However, I got tired of maintaining all the updates, plugins, and so on. That even made me stopped blogging for a while.

Like what happened to my self-hosted photo gallery (moved to Flickr), I decide to transfer my blogs to Blogger. If you ask why not WordPress? I have to say it's just a decision.

Only one problem in this process is Blogger can officially only import its own backups, while my old blog server uses WordPress. After some reading and testing, I chose a open source tool Blog2Blog, which works like a charm. Very glad to get the whole migration done smoothly.