Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Rescue IBM ThinkPad T40 "Black" Display: Replacing its CCFL

I bought Lin a used IBM ThinkPad T40 from ebay about 1 year ago and it has been working very well. However, the display recently became reddish and Lin complained it always. Since it worked somehow and I thus put less attention to it. One day the poor display finally gave up his ghost and stayed in black.

After a simple analysis, I guess the problem was caused by the defect of backlight. Since the display became reddish in his last few days, I was sure that the CCFL of the LCD display is brocken. I should have done more detailed investigation but I had neither time nor mood to do so. Forturnately, I was right and the display is revived.

As a memo I documented the most important steps in my Wiki.QS by the title "IBM ThinkPad T40 CCFL Replace"

Replace the CCFL

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